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Keep these tips in mind before you buy a travel insurance package: Prune

Are you a travel enthusiast who wishes to have Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara moments in life? Think La Tomatina festival in Buñol, jumping off a plane in Seville, or deep-sea diving in Costa Brava. Well, then it’s handy to get travel insurance from Prune in case you face any unforeseen costs. From theft and loss of passports to medical expenses and canceled flights, we’ve got you covered. Especially in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is best to be on the safer side during your international travels. Prune offers International Travel Insurance with multiple options such as single trips, annual multiple trips, and special plans for students. But what are the things to keep in mind before you buy travel insurance online? Read on!

How far you’ll be traveling

One of the important things you need to keep in mind is the time you’re going to spend at your desired destination. This will ascertain the cost of your travel insurance policy as the premium costs more on a longer trip than a shorter one. If you’re a frequent traveler who goes long distances, we understand your need for the lowest premium rates available in the market. With Prune’s policy by your side, you’ll get the best deal on International Travel Insurance.

How long will you be traveling

Distance is yet another factor that will determine the coverage cost of your trip. If you’re planning to travel far off, the price of your travel insurance policy would be more but we ensure that your safety comes first. If the cost has you worried, Prune is here to make it an affordable and seamless experience for you. We’ll customize your insurance plan with the details of your flight and the duration of your trip that meets your needs perfectly.

Understand the terms and conditions

While travel insurance is one of the best ways to protect yourself while you travel within the country or abroad, there are certain factors that impact your travel insurance premium which could be pre-existing medical conditions, age, type of coverage, frequency, and destination. These can lead you to pay a higher premium. We’ll assist you with the right policy that will take your circumstances into consideration.

Existing health problems

Having medical conditions that include recent surgeries, terminal diseases, or medical issues that require immediate attention from a specialist can determine the protection you receive from the travel insurance policy. However, travel insurance can cover your medical expenses in case you fall sick during your travel and any other emergency that you may come across. With Prune by your side, you can enjoy a hassle-free trip with your family and friends. 

Buy from a reputed agency

It is important to make sure that you buy your travel insurance policy from a good agency and that your insurance provider serves you in the best way possible at the time of need. We at Prune offer a travel plan that secures you from any unfortunate incident you may face during your travels and cover your medical emergencies if any.

Buy now: https://prune.co.in/travel_insurance