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Reasons why you need travel insurance for your trip overseas



We travel for mainly two reasons - business and leisure. And travelling abroad is always thrilling, and the memories stay with us for a very long time. You get time off to enjoy new places and explore a new world. But it's also imperative that you take safety precautions to ensure that your journey goes smoothly. A sensible way to guarantee the success of your trip abroad is to buy international travel insurance.


It is an essential document to have before you begin your travel. A comprehensive travel insurance policy helps you avoid unanticipated risks when visiting a distant country. It prepares you to handle situations such as medical emergencies, baggage theft, flight delays, or stolen passport.


Purchasing travel insurance gives you reassurance. It will assist you with any problems in a foreign land. And the best part is you can purchase international travel insurance from the convenience of your home using online platforms such as Prune. These websites offer travel insurance options to meet your needs in the best way possible. Think single-trip, multi-trip, for students or senior citizens. You can choose the best option for yourself to travel safely.



What is international travel insurance?



The last thing you want to experience while travelling abroad is unexpected costs. There are several potential causes, such as losing your passport or experiencing a medical emergency. It is where having international travel insurance helps you; if your plan allows it, a policy will pay for any extra costs you incur while on your trip abroad. These can assist you in bad situations, such as travel delays, cashless hospitalisation, and more specialised circumstances.


There are internet services that provide good travel insurance coverage at reasonable costs. And you can buy one without any formalities such as health checkups. These are usually not necessary until a certain age, making it simple for frequent travellers of all ages to purchase a travel insurance policy.


A travel insurance policy is available in many types for every budget needs. If you have a decent policy, you won't have financial difficulties, such as when losing your luggage, passport, or need to pay for additional lodging, among other things.



What is included in international travel insurance?


·  Being sick can be stressful, but being sick when travelling overseas makes it far more difficult. Medical costs incurred due to an illness or accident are covered by international travel insurance. If necessary, it also pays for medical evacuation expenses.

·  When travelling abroad, the insurance companies are always available to assist you. They locate the closest medical facility, passport agency, or other travel-related assistance.

·  Insurance provides cashless hospitalisation coverage, which does not require advance payment. The insurance provider will instantly pay the hospital fees.

·  Losing important documents like passports and other necessary paperwork is one of the awful things that may happen while travelling. To avoid being stranded, several insurance policies may pay for the expense of obtaining a new passport copy.

·  If the flight is cancelled or delayed, the policyholder is not responsible for additional accommodation costs. The policy will reimburse you and cover these losses.

·  In the unfortunate event, your home is broken into while you're away, a policy will assist you in covering the costs.



What are the advantages of purchasing a travel policy?



·  There are no age-related eligibility criteria for a travel insurance policy. Children and senior citizens alike benefit from an international travel policy.

·  If you misplace your luggage or discover it to be damaged, your travel insurance can compensate you.

·  Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. While travelling, you might face legal repercussions if you accidentally hurt a third party. But the insurance provider will cover the costs on your behalf.

·  Theft is a common occurrence. Additionally, a number of surveys indicate that international tourists have a higher risk of being robbed. Your insurance company will assist you if you end up in such a dire circumstance by providing you with a certain sum of money.